Now at a mere seven weeks away, the end is in sight, and I am starting to take myself off auto pilot.
I need to start seriously thinking what I am going to say to Sue, how I am going to say it, and what (not to) expect in response.
Someone emailed me some excellent suggstions along these lines which, if she'll permit, I will share here. (I haven't asked her yet!)
Perhaps she's assuming that my libido has just died a death, in which case when I tell her the truth the might just react with "present face"
Well, I don't really expect that, but after seeing these delightful comedians on Sungold's blog, I couldn't resist the temptation to put in one of their videos.
And perhaps there will be a bit of "present face" after all. Or, at least, a face of awkward uncertainty of someone who doesn't know how to react or quite what to say.
All the more reason I will need to be clear in my own head what I think, feel and want.
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